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Release Notes

This section contains information about the latest release of the module such as release history, changes made to the current version and the list of known issues.

1.  Release History

Some of the issues described on this page contain internal reference numbers. You can use these reference numbers when communicating with Sitecore about a particular issue or feature.

February 13, 2012

The Design Importer module v1.0 rev.120206 is released.
Design Importer module 1.0 has been tested with Sitecore CMS 6.5.0 rev.110602 (Initial Release),  CMS 6.5.0 Update-2 and  CMS 6.5.0 Update-3.

2.  Known Issues

The list of known issues in the latest version of the Design Importer module.

  1. Reference Numbers: 360237.
    Description: JavaScript Errors When Opening Original and Imported Pages.
    Due to the fact that a page opens in the preview iframe lives in the Design Importer context rather than in its native context, some of its embedded JavaScript code can produce JavaScript errors. The issue typically appears in IE when the option “Display a notification about every script error” is enabled. Such errors will appear when you open original and Importer pages.
  2. Reference Numbers: 360240.
    Description: Broken Design of Imported Pages.
    Some websites use JavaScript magic to shape and control the design of a page. This is why, we cannot disable all the JavaScript code on a page when the page is displayed. The design of many pages is broken when the scripts are disabled (for example, Because the Design Importer imports only dependencies from the same domain, after importing some of the scripts may not be imported into the Media Library. In this case, if the imported page uses domain-dependent scripts, its design may be broken when it is opened in the preview mode.
  3. Reference Number: 360242.
    Description: Some websites will actively prevent themselves from being displayed as a part of another website of web application, such as Design Importer.
  4. Reference Numbers: 360243.
    Description: Encoding Determination
    To display and import a page correctly, we need to determine its encoding. At the moment, we use meta information of a page to resolve it. If a page doesn’t provide this information or if provided encoding is wrong, the page appearance in the preview area will be broken.
  5. Reference Number: 360246.
    Description: Due to a bug in Safari browser, you might see user input being duplicated in the modal dialog boxes.
  6. Reference Number: 360248.
    Description: Some flash objects in the imported page might overlap Design Importer interface controls.
  7. Reference Numbers: 360785.
    Description: The Preview in the URL Remapper appears to be broken if the URL Remapper is opened before Preview mode.
    If user opens an imported design in the URL Remapper before opening the Preview mode, the imported design might appear broken in the Preview tab of the URL Remapper.
    Workaround: Open the imported design in Preview mode before opening the URL Remapper.